How to taste wine like a pro
While we take wine seriously at Clos du Bois, we like to keep the mood of a tasting relaxed and welcoming. The way we see it, formality only gets in the way of the fun of exploration. Just follow the process below for a wine tasting that feels effortless.
Pour Pour only a small amount (an ounce or so) in your glass.
Look Look at the wine to judge its clarity and color. Well-made wine should appear clear and bright. In red wines, a more purple hue indicates a younger wine. As red wines age, they turn more ruby then garnet. Whites go from a light lemon color in youth to deep gold.
Smell Hold the glass’s stem and swirl the wine in a gentle, circular motion for a few seconds (not too long). Swirling the wine exposes it to air, making many of its components easier to smell. It also coats the glass with a thin layer of wine, releasing an extra dose of the aromatic elements.Now hold the glass to your nose and deeply inhale the wine (don’t be afraid to place your nose deep into the glass). If you are evaluating more than one wine, sniff something neutral (such as water or coffee grounds or even your sleeve) to help clear your nasal passages between wines. Try to identify some of the aromas in the wine. Fruity notes include citrus, berries, tropical fruit, apple, pear or peach. You may also detect vanilla, mocha or espresso, as well as floral, herbal, toasty, nutty or spicy aromas.
Taste Tasting is your true reward and it will be enhanced by the impressions you've developed so far. Draw a small amount of the wine into your mouth and let it spend a little extra time there before swallowing. If you like, draw some air into your mouth while the wine is still present (this takes some practice, but it’s a good way to unlock flavors. Note the impression the wine leaves in the different parts of your mouth. Rich and full or thin and weak? Buttery or tart? Crisp or velvety? Mouthwatering or drying? Is the finish long or cut short? DiscussAt each step, compare your opinions with those tasting alongside you. The more you talk about wine, the more it will seem second nature to notice and describe its characteristics. You may also help someone else notice a detail they’d missed or vice versa. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers if you are enjoying the wine in your glass. Your tastebuds and your own interpretation of the flavors are all that matters. Happy tasting!
How to choose wine in a restaurant Between navigating a wine menu, interacting with a server and trying to make the right match for the food and other guests, choosing a wine in a restaurant can be a challenge. Here are some tips to streamline things.
How to order Assume you’ll need half of a bottle per person.Agree with the other guests on the kind of wine (white vs. red, Merlot vs. Zinfandel, light vs. full bodied. If just a few want wine or each wants a different style, it may be best to order by the glass. As a general rule however, ordering by the bottle is a better value.If you choose a wine with a difficult name, it’s fine to point at your selection on the menu to let your server know your choice. If you prefer for your server to recommend a wine, give him or her a general price range and explain the type of wine you’d like (e.g., white vs. red, light bodied or full, Italian vs. Californian. If the restaurant has a sommelier (a.k.a. wine steward) on staff, you can ask for his or her expert advice.
How to receive the wine Presentation: When the bottle first arrives at your table, the server will hold it up for you to review the label. If it is not the wine you ordered, this is the time to point that out.
Pulling the cork: The server will make a show of removing and presenting the cork. Simply nod.
The test pour: Once the server has poured a small amount for you, sniff and taste the wine. If the wine tastes good, accept it with a smile. If there is an issue, don’t feel shy about sending it back.


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