Wine Tasting Notes

The more wine a person tries the more they notice that there are some they like and some they do not.  Usually when people talk about what they like or do not like about certain wines they say things like “I don’t want anything to bitter or to sweet” or “I love red wine.”  They don’t realize that they are doing the exact same thing that professional tasters do.  They too are discussing the different aspects of what wine tasting. This compare and assess process is exactly what has developed the vocabulary that is some times intimidating to the beginner.  Hear are a few steps that will ease you into the group. First be honest.  Say exactly what you think.  If you think the wine taste like a musty old gym sock say so.  If it looks like India ink and smells like burnt strawberries then say that.  There are no wrong answers just honest ones. 

The reason there are thousands of varieties and styles is that each one has it’s own different taste and place.  For instance cabernet sauvignon will show certain characteristics that do not appear in chardonnay or merlot.  The complex, rich, tart berry found in cabernet matches well with steaks or smoked meats. 

So next time you open a bottle just take a moment and say what you really think.


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