Proper Wine Serving Temperatures
When there is a question of the proper temperature that wine should be served, the following guide may help make this task easier. I have found that white wine is served far too cold and red is generally offered slightly too warm. When serving white wine or champagne, ice cold is too cold. If you see condensation forming on the outside of the glass then that should indicate that the wine needs to be removed from the ice bucket and allowed to come to a more comfortable temp. You need to be able to taste the complexities that are present in your glass. The cold will cover up any fruit flavors that the wine may show otherwise. 48 - 55 de-grees is going to be best. Red wine in Mississippi in the summer time is going to be hot. It may be necessary to place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before serving to bring its temperature down to around 60 degrees. Alcohol will be the major flaw of a red that is too warm. Of course use your own preferences when having a glass of your favorite libation. Wine is always better served with food & friends.
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