Italian Lesson
Rosso means Red!
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Abboccato | Slightly sweet |
Amabile | Medium-sweet |
Amarone | Dry red wine made from dried grapes (a form of passito) |
Azienda/Tenuta/Podere | Estate |
Bianco | White |
Cantina | Winery |
Cantina sociale | Co-operative winery |
Chiaretto | Pale red or dark rosé |
Classico | Denotes the traditional, theoretically superior, vineyard area within a DOC/G zone |
Dolce | Sweet |
Frizzante | Slightly sparkling |
Imbottigliato all'origine | Estate-bottled |
Metodo Classico | Sparkling wine made by the classic Champagne method |
Novello | Literally 'new' – describes light, fruity wines intended for early consumption rather than cellaring |
Passito | Generic term for wine made from dried grapes (typically sweet but sometimes dry) |
Recioto | Sweet red or white wine made from dried grapes (a form of passito) |
Ripasso | full-bodied, powerful wine style made by re-fermenting wine with amarone grape skins |
Rosato | Rosé |
Rosso | Red |
Secco | Dry |
Spumante | Sparkling |
Superiore | wines with greater concentration and higher alcoholic strength |
Vendemmia | Vintage |
Vigneto | Vineyard |
Vin Santo | A dessert wine style originally from Tuscany, generally made from air-dried Trebbiano grapes. The style is now made in various Italian regions. |
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