Origins: the Mojito

Although debate rages over the exact origin of the mojito, according to the Oxford English Dictionary it probably takes its name from mojo, the Spanish name of a Cuban sauce or marinade made with citrus fruit—a mojito is literally a "little mojo."   Mental Floss

Ha, Bacardi says:
Depending on who you believe, the mojito either came from the Spanish word ‘mojar’, which means to wet, or the African word ‘mojo’, which means to cast a spell. Anybody who’s ever tasted one will agree that it’s thirst quenching and spellbinding in equal measures.


4 lime wedges
12 fresh Mint Leaves
2 heaped tsp Caster Sugar
1 part soda water / club soda
Sprig of fresh mint


Take the lime wedges and sqeeze them in the glass. Gently press together the limes & sugar. Bruise the mint leaves by clapping them between your palms, rub them on the rim of the glass and drop them in. Next, half fill the glass with crushed ice, add the BACARDÍ SUPERIOR rum & stir. Top with crushed ice, a splash of soda, and a sprig of mint.


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