

The Midnight Cat’s Meow Cocktail from Ménage à Trois is a devilishly divine treat so hauntingly good, we’re serving it as our signature Halloween cocktail this year. Stirring the Midnight Cat’s Meow Cocktail in your caldron will have all the witches, warlocks, ghouls, and goblins swooping in and making mischief until the very last sip of this magical Midnight brew has vanished. ​

Ménage à Trois Midnight Cat’s Meow Cocktail​ Ingredients:​
- 1-ounce Ménage à Trois Midnight​
- 1-ounce Hazelnut Liqueur​
- ½ ounce Simple Syrup​
- 1 dash of Vanilla Extract​
- 2 dashes of Chocolate Bitters​
- For Color: 1 teaspoon of Activated Charcoal (substitutions: black food coloring or squid ink)​

Ménage à Trois Midnight Cat’s Meow Cocktail​ Directions:​
1. Add all ingredients and ice into your shaker.​
2. Shake vigorously for a full 30 seconds so your drink becomes cold and frothy.​
3. Double strain into a chilled cocktail glass. ​

Phantom by Bogle
In the dark recesses of the cellar you sense a presence, hear footsteps.  Why is it these things only happen when you are alone?  In the shadows, a glimpse of muddy boots and old blue jeans…  the lurking legacies of hard work and determination left by those who have come before you.  We are proud to carry on the traditions of our founders with this unique red wine.  A deep ruby apparition that personifies the true spirit of the Bogle


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